Wheeler Library’s Seed Lending Project welcomes new and experienced gardeners to share gardening knowledge, check out our interesting stock of garden seed, and to contribute seeds that they may have saved that have been successful locally.
The Wise Lion Bookshop is a curated shop of used books, open during normal library hours. We gladly accept donations of used books, DVDs, books on CD, and puzzles in excellent condition. Proceeds from our are used to fund the library’s programs and services.
Wheeler Library Staff are happy to assist you with your Printing, Faxing or Scanning needs!
Print copies are .15 each for black and white, .50 each for color. Faxes cost $1 per page for the first (5) pages, and .50 per page for each additional page. The is no charge for scanning.
Town of North Stonington northstoningtonct.gov
Cub Scouts Pack 71 facebook.com/pack71nosto
Ledge Light Health District llhd.org
North Stonington Agricultural Fair northstoningtonfair.org
North Stonington Education Foundation nsedfoundation.org
North Stonington Garden Club nsgardenclub.org
North Stonington Grange ctstategrange.org/subgrangepage.asp?GrangeID=225
North Stonington Historical Society northstoningtonhistorical.org
North Stonington Lions Club e-clubhouse.org/sites/north_stonington
North Stonington Public Schools northstonington.k12.ct.us
North Stonington Quarterly northstoningtonct.gov/quick-view/193
North Stonington Senior Center northstoningtonct.gov/senior-center
Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center pawcatuckneighborhoodcenter.org
Rotary of the Stoningtons stoningtonsrotary.org
Senior Resources Agency on Aging seniorresourcesec.org
Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm
P.O. Box 217
101 Main Street
North Stonington, CT